We present an ontoepistemology based on the self-contained KleinBottle
and HyperKleinBottle surfaces and their logics; the latter incorporates
interrelations and hypercontextualizations within an heterarchy of
Otherness. We introduce the associated logo-physics, as a basis for the
unification of science and phenomenology, by surmounting the Cartesian
Cut. Dualism is found to be a projection of the former logic, not an
independent primeval ontoepistemology. We present the phenomenology
of these logics, with regards to the geometries and topologies of space
and time; of thought and language; of semiosis and its geological,
cosmological and astronomical signs linked to the Myth of Eternal
Return; of perception and cognition; of the common ontopoiesis of
life and the inanimate realms, and of biological shape departing from
embryological development and its unfolding as body-plans and their
anatomy-physiology, and discuss its bearing in evolutionary theory, all
which we present as embodiments of this non-dual ontoepistemology.
[embeddoc url=”http://strategiakutato-intezet.hu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Rapoport-tanulmánya-2013-november.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]